Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Friday, July 4, 2014

Waking up 3am daily

Yes. This is happening over the past 1 week plus. Felin is waking up between 2:30am to 3am daily complaining that she is very very hungry. She start to vomit gastric water when she is hungry and I will have to be quick and start preparing some food for her such as milk, cereal, buns, bread, roti prata, etc... We will then start chatting on the bed till about 3:30am to 4am. Felin says that the babies have my genes and love to sleep late to have supper.

I normally get to bed at 1:30am to 2am and I need to wake up within an hour before I can catch my sleep. It means I'm practically sleeping at 3:30am to 4am daily and waking up at 9+am. I'm missing my morning jogs by giving this excuse that its late and I need to go work asap. My productivity at work reduces in office and by starting my work day late, I normally do less things during the day. I think this is practice for me before the real babies arrive.

Other updates for the week include preliminary info that Mary Rauff is not taking in new patients and we might have to look for other gynae in NUH. If really cannot find a suitable one, we may have to go KKH. Hope Dr Mary will be available eventually. Got to ask Prof next Thurs first. Now need to do further research into gynaes in KKH. Really no time to be wasted.

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