Had a great day in Church today as Pastor John Koe preached about Freedom and Bondages.
John 8:32 - And you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free
1 John 4:4 - the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world
True Freedom is the power to do what is right... etc. etc...
We then went to Pu Tien at Tampines Mall for lunch and I was praised for selecting the right place as the Lor Mee and Mee Sua suits her taste bud and she managed to finish the food. Felin can totally reject food if she feels that the smell and taste is not suited for her nowadays. Just 2 weeks ago, she was so in love with the capsicums and Pasley and today, she totally reject both of them. It is a challenge just to cook for her.
We went shopping at Tampines Mall after lunch as I want her to start looking out for her preggy dresses. I know she will be busy and probably more tired in the near future so its probably better to start window shopping.
We then go NTUC Fairprice to buy groceries for Mr Long, our adopted family from Riverlife Family Centre and stayed in his house for about half an hour.
Shortly after coming back at about 4:30pm, I took a short rest, did a bit of gardening and forced myself to gym for jogging and do my sit ups. I need to be strong for the babies to come. I can't be lazy anymore.
After gym, its time to cook for Felin as she was so tired and still in bed after my gym session. I cooked pork porridge and stir fried vegetable for her. Ended up she rejected the pork in the porridge as its overly marinated and the vegetable which she claims to have some strange smell. I ended up eating most of the food I cooked on my own.
After dinner, I quickly vacuum the floor and start mopping. Its my routine job every Sunday evening. After completing them, I'm actually quite tired. Then at 10+pm, she suddenly said that she is hungry again and hope to eat Tau Sa Pau. She seems so pitiful and I drove down to Elias Mall to look for Tau Sa Pau in the coffeeshops but none of them have it. Luckily, I managed to find those pre-packed type in Seng Siong. I also purchased the Roti Prata for her as she craves for it yesterday as well. As long as she can eat, I think its better for me to go buy for her. She is having quite frequent hunger pang and yet feeling nausea and fatigue. So its tough on her as well.
What a long day... I prayed for her before she sleep and now here am I updating my blog for the day feeling fully satisfied. Its a long week ahead. I have plenty of work undone and fear getting clients unhappy with the pace of my work. Can only ask God to help me through the tough week...
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