Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

Its Father's Day yesterday and I really hope that this will be my first Father's Day. Why I say "Hope"? Its because there is always this feeling or rather fear within me that the babies don't go beyond this 12 weeks. I really can't wait the day they safely arrive into this world. I can't imagine the day they came and how relieve I will be. Its really like waiting for them every single day and God just have to remind me to be patient and trust on him. There is so little I can do and its all upon God's ability.

We went JB early in the morning 7:30am. I slept at about 4am the night before because I went office to prepare for my Monday's appointment and finished at 2am. I then went search for the Punggol Nasi Lemak as I know Felin will be hungry after failing to eat the dinner that I cooked the night before. She also have a craving for Nasi Lemak recently.
I got lost on the road but got back just in time as Felin was just awake at 3+am and feeling hungry. We had a fattening supper. haha...

The journey to JB was smooth and we had Bak Tuk Teh breakfast with her family. We then went Taman Molek for some banking stuffs before for seafood lunch at Pasir Gudang. It was nice meeting Jia Xiang and Jia Xing and see how fast they had grown. Xiang is getting taller by day and in no time should outgrow me soon. Both of them reminds me that Parenthood is a long journey and Winnie/HP are now in an entire different stage as compared to the stage I will be entering soon.

The lunch was yummy, MIL kept saying things that seemingly hint to the others about Felin's pregnancy like "You can eat this meh?", "You got take Medicine or not?", "This one don't eat better!", etc... I actually prefer to keep as low profile as possible before the babies haven't crossed the 12th weeks point yet.

We went back home for a short rest. I even took a short nap before we got ourselves ready to go back Singapore. The journey is again smooth and easy without really heavy traffic.

Once home, I quickly started vacuum and mop the floor and washed the bathroom. I was really dead tired and fall asleep as early as 10pm. That's why I only wrote this post today after a good 5km run in the gym just now.

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