I accompanied Felin to NUH for scanning this morning. Its a 7th week scan meant to ensure that everything is fine. Throughout the MRT ride, she was feeling nausea and I tried talking to her to make her feels better. I'm not sure if my little gesture helps but at least she does not have to exit the train today to vomit. She complained to me that over the last 2 days, she had to exit the train at Lavender and City Hall to vomit.
We didn't need to wait long to see doctor today. I usually waits at the desk when he was scanning but for today, the nurse asked me to come into the scanning area to look at the ultrasound machine. There was 2 heartbeats and its my first time seeing the little ones "Live". I was really comforted to hear that the babies are fine and growing well. The medication, scanning and consultation alone today comes up to about $400 today. If we need to spend this much for every check-up, I'll be quite worried.
My feeling was mixed after leaving the hospital. At one point I was wishing that the babies grow quickly, stay healthy and be delivered fast as I see how Felin is suffering but shortly after entertaining that thought, I start to ponder if I'm ready for the two to come. I still can't imagine how possibly we can handle the whole thing yet.
Just got to take each day at a time.(Its only week 7, OMG!!!)... Am on the MRT while writing this. Now going back home for dinner with Felin before going out for a short appt. She is cooking some soup noodle for me and I'm really hungry now.
Week 7 - My Babies is now size of a blueberry and about 1/2 inch long
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