Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Friday, July 31, 2015

2 consecutive days of unlucky Midnight feeds

For the past 2 nights, I am quite unlucky with the midnight feeds. My objective of midnight feed is to push up their milk intake because they can drink more when they are in dreamy state. Its quite difficult to feed them during the day probably because they are feeling bored with the same milk they drink everyday and resulted that they are drinking quite little for the whole day. The mid-night feed is also to extend their sleep from mid-night to 6am when they normally wake up. Without this mid-night feed, they normally will wake up at 2am - 3am to ask for milk.

Reason that I said "Unlucky" is because both Joshua and Josiah became wide awake after the midnight feed. Last night, I started feeding Joshua because he kept moving on the bed but after feeding him, he suddenly became wide awake. I tried pacify him to sleep but Josiah suddenly started shouting for milk. Ann have to wake up to help prepare the milk because Felin was halfway expressing her breastmilk. Felin took over the pacifying of Joshua as I go feed Josiah but Josiah also became wide awake after my feed. OMG!!! Thats always my worry that both became wide awake after mid-night feed because thats the time I just look forward to bed. Ann and Felin are surely better than me on the pacifying part and we were successfully after about 2:30am.

As for today, Joshua managed to sleep after the feed but for Josiah, he suddenly cough and vomited really a lot on his cot and on the floor after his feed. He literally vomited on his own face and he can still smile at me after that. OMG again!!! My shirt was all full of his vomited milk too.
I quickly wake Ann up to help me clean up the mess. I quickly changed up and help clean Josiah and change his clothes. He just kept turning and twisting and smile at me. He wants to play and I quickly passed him back to Ann to pacify him to bed. He finally slept after 2am and here I am writing this post in my study room. Always feel bad that I can't pacify them as good as the ladies.

Tomorrow night we are driving back Malaysia again. Till I update again... Time to sleep. Very Tired now...Zzzz...

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