Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Mummy having Fever

The Babies growth development are getting faster. Currently Joshua is able to sit up really straight and stable now and when held up with his feet on the ground, he is able to stand rather firmly. He can't stand on his own yet but he knows that if he need to stand, his legs have to be firm. As for Josiah, he is able to flip and unflip to the extent that he is actually crawling forward. His 2 bottom teeth are rather clear as well now.

Friday was Hari Raya Puasa, Felin again are faced with an engorgement problem. She was really very tired and the engorgement came. We tried to get the milk out from 10pm to nearly 3am and she was saved by a pack of ice eventually. We don't understand why that pack of ice helped to clear her ducts but another bottle of milk was produced as a result of the cleared duct.

On Saturday morning, she developed fever and felt a pain on her breast. It is likely a result of infection. The fever subsided in the afternoon but shoot up again in the evening. It was fortunate that her parents were here and her sister had decided to stay over our place to help Felin or else Felin will have difficult getting adequate rest and her Fever may just get worse instead. I am simply not too competent in doing some stuffs like coaxing baby to sleep and she can't rest totally with me alone to assist. Whenever the babies see Daddy, it seems like playtime to them.

Breastfeeding is really a very painful journey for Felin but because of her love for the babies, she persisted in midst of her busy work schedule. She sacrifices her sleep and her weight keep dropping. I can literally feel her bones when I hold her. Hope the babies will remember this and appreciate how their mother love them in future...

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