Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, June 1, 2015

Long weekend with the babies

Its long weekend and a time for us to bond with the babies. We always value such long weekends because we don't normally been able to spend much time with the babies. Must let the babies recognise that we are their loving parents, not my helper or their grandparents, who spent more time with them during weekdays.

Josiah had a fever over the past 3 days with temperature fluctuating between 37.4 to 38.1 degree Celsius. Felin tried putting a lemon in his socks claiming to be a home based remedy while I just monitor. The trick don't really works and we eventually gave a bit of liquid panadol on the 3rd day. Just as we are able to bring him to see a PD on the 4th day, his sickness are suddenly gone on that early morning. The same thing happened twice when Josiah on 2 occasions when he did not pass motion over 6 days and we wanted to see PD on the 7th day. On both occasions, he passed motion on the 7th day early morning and we avoided the PD. He hates to see PD, I supposed. lol...

It was pretty tiring without my parents around and I became the cook for the family because the ladies are better at handling the babies and I let them handle them. Daddy will just play with them. Haha... We didn't go out over the weekend except for short walks around the compound. We spent the whole 3 days at home simply to feed, play and coax the babies to sleep. Sounds easy but we have not much chance to rest because chance are that one of the babies are likely awake and seeking attention. Its not easy for both babies to be asleep at the same time.

On Sunday, we also had lots of fun taking selfie. Its pretty difficult to take selfies with the babies because they refused to look up and kept turning and tossing around. But we still succeeded anyway and enjoyed every moment. Josiah kept laughing and Joshua kept his poker face look and start laughing only after the whole thingy.


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