Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Sunday, June 21, 2015


I have been browsing thru facebook recently and saw many of my friend's comment that the new Jurassic Park movie is really nice and a show not to be missed. I was hoping to watch the 3D version at the i-max theatre. I thought that will be the best show for the year as its such a blockbuster. In the past, Felin and I would have long watch the show. I supposed parenting comes with a small sacrifice of time and freedom.

But with the arrival of the kids, such freedom and luxury are not more. Its difficult to ask my mum just to come help us babysit and tell her that I'm going to watch Movie. I can have such request once a while but I will need to use this card only for bigger occasions. She has been helping me all the weekdays and I cannot ask her to help me during weekends. She need to have her personal time as well.

I think we should stop thinking about Movies for a while and spend quality time with the kids instead during the precious weekend. After my morning appointment, I spent time playing with them, playing the Ukulele and Recorder as well as going thru the flashcards, etc... We even went beach for a short walk in the evening. It was indeed a great Saturday. Tomorrow will be my first Father's Day, I'm on duty in church and we will be celebrating with Dad at Brother's place.

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