With parental support, Felin and I are able to put our attention on our work and I really thankful to them for coming over our place from 8:30am to 7:30pm during the weekdays. Its tiring but they did not complain because I'm probably still be the Joshua and Josiah that I'm seeing my children today. (To them, I'm always their baby)
Before having children, I'm certainly not as appreciative of their love for me as I'm always in my own world. Well... The same may happen to Joshua and Josiah one day, they will enter into their own world and remember little of what we did for them in the past. Time will come that I'll miss their current babiness and max cutiness.
Felin and I had an argument lately while we discussed about the topic "Fever". I told her that temperature of babies fluctuates between 37C to 38C and our ear thermometer may not necessarily be accurate as babies ear canal are short. I told her that we need not be overly worried when babies temperature rise between the range and we just monitor symptoms and not so much on the temperature. She looked back at me, not so friendly, and ask if I'm a doctor and if I'm trying to imply that she is overly worried?" Of course, I'm not a doctor but I'm just giving her a piece of information I just learnt. She then asked me if we shouldn't bother when the temperature is 37.5C? Of course I don't meant that too? Then she asked why am I contradicting myself by saying such things? I wasn't expecting her to replied me with such comments and we ended up arguing over such stupid thing. We stopped talking for a day and I apologised to her the next evening after we came back from work. I think I better be careful of what I say in future. When we don't have enough sleep, we can get a bit more sensitive.
The boys are getting more intelligent lately. They are able to respond to their names and Joshua is able to identify whether we are going out and he will fuss if we pretend to go out without him. Its so funny. They will greet me every morning with a smile and I'm starting to go through some flashcards with them while teaching them numbers, fruits, animals, etc. They do not seems to be interested with my cards but nevermind, I'll just carry on. lol...
Some of my church Cell Group members decided to drop by our place on Sunday after Service. Its our CG leader's Angeline's birthday. The ladies kept carrying them around and talk to them for that 1+ hour. Glad that my boys are not so fearing of strangers and quite cooperative. We had a lot of fun and reason why we looked so happy in the picture below is because all the ladies were trying to make funny face for the babies to look up at the camera when the picture was taken. Felin and I was laughing at them.
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