Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mummy high fever and possibly end of breast feeding journey

Felin was down with high fever today. She went to work in the morning thinking that it could be just lack of sleep. But she was wrong as her body really broke down and fever went up to a peak of 40.3C in the evening. She went home early and was shivering on the MRT. I came back home early to help out with the babies and to bring her to see doctor.
She was so sick that she skipped her expressing in the office and came straight home to sleep. Her BM supply dropped tremendously and she did not feel any engorgement despite not expressing for the whole day. Previously, her schedule had dropped to only 1-2 times of expressing a day and now totally nil. I told her not to be too concerned about the breast milk as we had long met our 6 months target. She had done well to provide the babies with breast milk till their 8m3d.

As she was sick and not able to touch the babies, I have to handle Joshua while Ann handles Josiah at night. Joshua refused to sleep and played with me for an hour plus till 10:30pm. He kept wanting me to carry him but I still succeeded in making him sleep with instructions from Felin. Felin will be on 2 days MC and hope she will recover soon. I think she will be ceasing expressing from this day onwards as her last expressing was more than 24 hours ago already.

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