We managed to sit through the worship but when it comes to the sermon part, they seems to get cranky. We got out of the worship centre and stayed outside but they made so much noise again that we kept to walk around. Tried feeding but wasn't too successful again. We ended up going to the Cradle Roll to play with the babies. We did not attend the sermon but at least completed the worship and let the kids have fellowship time with other babies. haha...
The babies were really tired and slept straight away upon reaching home. When they finally woke up, Felin and I decided to go Suntec for the Baby fair. We signed up 2 photography sessions for them each cost about $99 each. One indoor shoot by the Korea Baby and Junior Photo Studio www.babyu.com.sg and the other is a outdoor shoot www.fireflyhphotographysg.com. We shall go for the indoor shoot first and will reserve the outdoor shoot till then they reach about 1 years old. I will get Mum and Dad to join during the outdoor shoot by then.
Its the first time that Joshua sleep on the baby carrier
We spent nearly 3 hours out of home and Josiah did not seems to suspect anything. He was still as happy when he saw us when we opened the door. He was smiling so sweetly and so eager to play with us. He will alway tilt his head to look for us and when he saw us laughing, he will be so happy and do the head tilting for us to see again.
Handling them on the bed are also really getting difficult as they are now faster and yet still clumsy. They will easily knock on each other's head or on the toys. They will flip rather quickly too that they can easily fall over the bed if not careful. We are really concern if Mum is able to handle the babies when they get more active. Its will get very tiring for them.
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