The 5 days in Moscow was interesting as we celebrated Moscow 868th Birthday at a major street party during one of the day. I didn't really sleep a lot during this trip probably because I seldom been able to sleep on the plane and I am used to having lesser sleep since babies arrival. Not the type of Refreshing trip I hope it to be.
Felin surprised me by bringing the babies to the Airport in the early morning to fetch me home. But the babies don't seems very excited to see me as if they had forgotten who I am. : (
Its back to business right after I touched down Singapore and I went back to work after a short nap at home. This busy-ness continued till 11th September which is our Election Day. I went voting and 2 appointments before rushing back to Malaysia for Father-in-law's birthday celebration. Anyway PAP had a landslide victory in this SG50 year.
When we were back in Malaysia, its always good time to catch up with the babies developments. Josiah 3th teeth at the top is already out and Joshua is still having only the bottom 1 tooth. Joshua knows how to reject being carried especially if he knows who is going to play with him and who is not. Josiah still love laughing over the smallest antics we performed for him and is very fun loving. Joshua seems to like singing more as he seems to hum some sound whenever we start singing. Both of them are able to sit on baby chair very well now but like to bang table and to grab things near to them. So many so many things to update but always forgot who I wanted to say.
I nearly forgotten that they are 8m2d now. I was still telling others that they are 7.5months old. Time flies. One thing I'm not too happy is that they don't have much space at home to move about. I would hope to put a 8 piece panel with a mat in the Living room but my Living room looks simply too small after putting 2 big Sarong Rack and the rooms looks small as well with 2 baby cots and 2 sets of babies items such as the whole stack of diapers that we purchased from Malaysia.
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