I had a difficult time sleeping last night as I worry about Josiah's health. The NICU doctor told me that the pressure of his lung is slightly high and an X'ray was done to check condition. They also suspect lung infection and a blood test need to be done. The only "not to good" result is the blood test result shows that he is ino ccheck fected with some bacteria and another blood test was done which require 48 hours before result can be known. He was also found to have Jaundice and need phototherapy. He is currently being treated with antibiotics until the blood test result is known.
When Felin visited him in the afternoon, he was out of the oxygen support, drip, antibiotics and the tube that draw liquid out of his airway. The only tube she saw was the wires that around his body check heartbeat and pressure and the phototherapy lights. Even with this, Felin cried. I can't imagine how she will feel if she is to see all the wires yesterday.
It was really a sign of relief to see Josiah is getting better. His Jaundice dropped, he ate and pooed well. He still looks skinny and only started to receive some breast milk from Mummy today.
I went to learn baby bathing today and had a lot of experimenting with Felin about Breast Feeding. Her perseverance pays off as the milk started to flow from Day 3. There was nothing, absolutely nothing for the initial 3 days. We kept using Joshua to stimulate her breast and making his suck every few hours. We also use the breast pump and hand to message the breast for milk.
I am back home today as MIW stayed with Felin. Gave me some time to check my emails and write my blog today. Tomorrow going to be Discharging day but Josiah is unlikely able to discharge with us. Got to come back, likely only on Friday. Hope Josiah is able to get out of NICU soon. I understand it cost me $2,000 per day on NICU.
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