Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, January 12, 2015

Our final night together before babies cries fill the house

Its 1:30am of 12th January 2015 and we have to wake up at 6am tomorrow. We need to reach NUH by 7:30am. The estimated arrival date of the babies will be 10:30am. It is 9 hours more before we meet the babies. Felin is sleeping soundly in the room as I am busy writing my last post before the babies arrive. From 15th January onwards, their cries will fill my house and this house will be different from what I'm experiencing now.

Let me update what happened on our last day as a couple.

We went for 2nd Service in Church as we decided 2 more hours. Today's message by John Koe was quite timely as he spoke about Shabbat, Shemitah and Yobel. In short, its like on the 7th day, we rest for God, on the 7th year, we give back to God what we made and after 7 Shemitah, its time we reset our life and give everything back to God. He answered my worries about my capability to be a good father and told me that my life will be reset tomorrow and give everything back to him. I just have to trust in him. This little house of mine will be the altar to worship God, together with Joshua and Josiah in future. As a Father, I am an important person in the family in guiding them towards not only physical but also spiritual growth. Felin and I have a wonderful prayer together before she goes to bed and I must keep it this way.

After service, I cooked lunch and did our final packing such as sterilising the bottles, breastpumps equipment and ensure whatever needed are in the hospital bag. We also clear the baby room to be more spacious for the confinement lady when she arrives on 15th Jan. We looks ready at least.

We then took some final pictures of Felin's pregnancy. We had been taking pictures every month of her tummy over the last 9 months and for this time, she insisted that I joined her and took off my clothes. I obliged of course. (Not sure if she will mind me putting this picture. Will be taken down soon if she is shy about it... haha...)

We then rested for a while before proceeding for dinner. Our final dinner is at Ootoya, Changi City Point. Felin didn't manage to get her favourite dish but we enjoyed it overall. Its really Yummy and definitely a worthwhile meal before Felin start fasting from 12am onwards.
I also went back Mum's place for a while and Dad managed to find a baby photo of myself.
I'll use this picture to see if any of my babies will look like me.
Joshua, Josiah, we will see both of you tomorrow. I know both of you are still very comfortable in Mummy's womb but its time to see the world. Well done to hold on till 38th weeks 2 days...

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