Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tentative Chinese names for our Babies

Felin and I discussed for quite a while on Chinese names for our babies today.
We had earlier mentioned the word "" (Heng2) few weeks ago. It means "Everlasting" and "Perseverance".

Both of us pretty like this word because this word reminds us of the Everlasting love and promise from God. This word also teaches us and the children to persevere in whatever they do.

Another word that Felin suggested is "予".(Yu3). It means "Give" or "Praise". We like this word because we believe that our babies are gifts from God and we shall continue to praise the Lord.

We decided to put the  in the centre of their names and hence derived 阙予(Que Yu Heng)
As for the other baby, I thought of the word "阙予正"(Que Yu Zheng) which the ""(Zheng4) means "Righteous" and "Justice".

Joshua will be  because Joshua took 40 years in the desert before entering the Promiseland which shows his perseverance before taking over Canaan, he had also fulfilled the everlasting promise given by God of this Israelite's land.

Josiah will be 予正 because he is the righteous king who brought back Justice by overturning all unrighteous things left behind by all the other kings before him. He reminds us to be righteous in the presence of God.

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