Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Ever since I have kids, I realised that I gained closer connection with my clients who also have children. When they tell me that their children are sick with flu, cough or fever, I can better empathise how hard it must have been for them. In the past, I may just think that its just a flu or cough... When they tell me that they are really busy with the kids especially in the night, I can better understand too because after a hard day at work, all we look forward is to spend more time with the kids, to talk to them and make them laugh. Many things become unimportant when we have opportunity to make our children smile. When they sigh to me that its a long way to go, I can better understand too because the reason we work so hard is very linked to our children. I can feel the type of love they have for their own kids and how they desire to see them grow and be useful people. I can now understand why it is such a heartache when we see people whose children became rebellious, wayward and refuse to acknowledge their own parents. All these empathy never came so deeply for me when I meet my clients in the past.

Last weekend, I invited Mum and Grandma for dinner as an early celebration for Mum's birthday. Its actually the first time in my life that I bring both of them for a meal.  I felt the connection so much with my parents better now as compared to the past. How happy my mum will be if I am to be a useful person and fillial to them till their ripe old age. I had invited Grandma too because she will be happy when her grandchildren are doing well too. Grandma is already 93 years old, I seriously do not know how many good years more she will enjoy and I feel that I must let Joshua and Josiah interact with her and make her smile. Of course to take more pictures for the kids to see when they gets older.
Why do I think my Mum and Grandma will be happy? Its my gut feel and empathy that because my Grandma loves my Mum and my mum loves me and I loves the children. It is this family love that bond all of us together...

The kids had made me aware of many things and certainly a better person. I just have to continue set good example and to teach them correctly in future. Its a challenge but because of this love for them, I will have to take it on. I am sure, this is the same objective for many many other fathers and mothers as well. This is the journey of parenthood...

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