Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fruitful weekend

Our babies are now in their 27 weeks 3 days today. Both Felin and I are gathering pace towards our preparation for our babies arrival. Mum recommended a confinement lady who is a retired nurse and have been working as a confinement lady over the past 12-13 years. She is an Indonesia and the cost of engaging her is within our budget of $3,400 over 28 days. We had a hard time making this decision. We worry if MIL remembers how to handle babies and yet its to handle twins. We are not really confident but after thinking through, we also have mother to assist with the cooking and Dad as the driver to help run errands, we are very likely not getting the confinement lady afterall. We are likely take risk and save this fund for other uses in future. I shall save $1,500 into their bank account for not using confinement lady. Pray hard that we are able to handle the tough time ahead afterall...

We visited Faith and Christine over the weekend. Both of them are mothers of twins. Faith's children are already nearly 4 years old. She shared her initial days as a mother and her breastfeeding experience with Felin. She reminded us to first take care of ourselves so that we can take care of the children and not to get too stressed. She warned us to be patient and to control our temperament during this period.
Christine's children are now coming to 1 years old and she also shared that we should continue to have our "Me" and "Couple" time. We must not start carrying the babies too easily whenever they cry because the babies will be so used to it that they will always cry and seek our attention. She set routine to their lifestyle such as letting them sleep as early as 7pm during the early days. Faith passed us her breastfeeding pillow and some babies playcard. Christine passed Isaac's clothings to us. After visiting them and seeing how happy and adorable their children are, all I can say is that all the hardwork put by them are truly worth it.

After Church Service today, I managed to meet Alec and Foong Peng and talked for a short while about parenting. Alec reminded me that Father is the most important part of son's growing process. He emphasized that son need the type of discipline that only Father can bring and son follows the example of their Father. He also reminded that I have to bring our children more towards enjoying music and nature and let them know the wonders of God and that he is in control. If we are to give them too much time on computers and TV, they will only understand the wonders of man and probably lose interest towards God.

During the weekend, we also learn about breastfeeding during our antenatal class and we went for our Dim Sum buffet at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant. We also spent about $300+ dollars just buying babies items such as towels, blankets, Swaddle, diaper mat, nursing bra, maternity clothings, etc... We also are expected to spend about $700 for roller blind at balcony and study room and approximately another $800 for window's solar screen. Probably all these which add up to nearly $2,000 over the weekend affects my decision on the confinement lady.

Felin's tummy is getting bigger by day and Dad drove her to MRT station every morning and try to fetch her from MRT back home. Dad is really nice and Felin is very touched by his gesture. She gets breathless quite easily now and going to work is getting tougher. We just hope we can carry the babies to as far as possible. Faith and Christine both had unexpected experience of needing to give birth as early as like 30+ week and babies as small as less than 2kg.

As for myself, sales have been really extremely slow because I have busy with my preparation for my first ever seminar on 30th Oct. I spent hours every day, researching and doing up my presentation slides over the weeks. I was busy with interviewing telemarketers, buying computers, registering with CPF as a new employer, going for HR appts, etc... A lot of non sales related issues but I really am excited about this Thursday maiden talk. I'm still not ready at this stage... I have also been active with my gym training and Alvin are expected to be with me soon for training. I think God did heard my prayer and he is giving me a breakthrough on my fitness and confidence towards seminar though at expense of my personal sales. I will need to continue to pray hard and trust God in everything...

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