Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Memorable December of 2023

Just to record the two events that happened in December of 2023. 

The first thing to share is our Jiang Nan / Shanghai Holiday. It was an 8-day trip with my family, including my Parents, uncle and auntie. I was pretty worried initially about this trip, considering my Dad wasn't in the best of mental alertness and my uncle, who suffers from heart disease and problematic leg issues. I was also concerned about the weather and whether it would rain too often.

The trip turned out to be one of the best, with almost perfect weather, while the folks and kids enjoyed themselves. We visited many beautiful places and took plenty of photos worthy to be in our lifetime memories. The folks enjoyed the scenery and food, while the kids enjoyed the daily bathtub play and movie nights. The boys behaved well generally, except Josiah knocked down a lamp, and I was made to pay for it. I was crossed for that day as Josiah always can't seem to stop touching things while moving around carelessly.

One of the highlights is that I'm able to have a considerably good time with my Dad, who I suspect may not be able to visit places with us just like this in the next few years. His health isn't just as good as Mum's. Sometimes, I worry that I might be just like him in the future or even earlier. I always feel that my mental alertness isn't getting good.

Another event to mention is the Christmas Season. We had our cell group celebration and then with Felin's family the following week. I was quite stressed during this period when I was uncertain about the direction of my future career and the way I run my practice. I felt unhappy that I was not giving my good clients a better level of care, yet my time was constantly being spent on clients I felt undeserving and didn't really like to serve. While at home, I was not spending enough time with the kids, and their schoolwork was not going well. Worst, I felt that my relationship with Felin wasn't at a level that I was happy with. I am feeling low, being a husband and father, yet my career is messy. My health is getting worse with low energy, headaches and joint pains lately. I can't stop feeling that my career has stagnated.

Anyway, this Christmas does tell me that it's all about God eventually, and this season is for me to re-focus my attention on him and pray more to him again. I just have to keep telling myself that I just do the best for the kids. Success will depend on God alone. Just give me the wisdom, good health and enough love to see it through.

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