Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, January 31, 2022

The Season of Birthdays

 Its January again!!! The birthday season of my most important people which are my kids, Felin and my Mum.

Let me recap what we did for their birthdays this year.

On actual day, 12th January, we brought the kids for their favourite Sushi at Sushi Express and thereafter a Birthday song and cake cutting at my Parents place. At least a chance for grandparents to mingle with the boys. Then on the weekend on 15th Jan, we had organized a mini birthday party as per guest list from the boys. They are allowed to invite only 5 and they need to be selective.

Felin got to contact their parents to arrange the logistics as well as prepare the food, decoration, cakes, etc... I was merely ensuring all the items are in place by collecting on the actual day. Kudos to her for all the preparation despite her busy work schedule. (Boys, you better appreciate your mum's hardwork in future!!!)

The boys had lots of fun as they took the opportunities to showcase their toys, collectibles and watch "Ah Boys to Men" together while having their early dinner which consist of Pizza, Cream Puffs, Chicken wings, Yogurt, chocolate Coated strawberries, etc...

It was funny that Felin and I really like the girl that Joshua invited. She is so sweet and well mannered. Her name is Audrey but she is from a different school for now. Not bad, good taste by Joshua... 

7 years old now, handling their emotions are getting challenging. Both of them can get really stubborn and refuse to listen simple instructions nowadays. They often treat both of us like transparent when we talk to them and we need to keep reminding them to respond when we talk. 

Both of them wants everything to be completed immediately and will whine for immediate attention and can't wait a single second. Every moments seems that we need to handle some emotion issues between the 2 boys and need to seriously discipline either of them every other day. Its really tiring and sometimes I really admire those who do not need to go thru all these, especially those without children. Honestly, my work are affected by all these and my desire to be more involved with their schoolwork lately.

Shortly after the boys, we celebrated Felin's birthday next on 19th Jan at Artistiq Marina Mandarin and early celebration for Mum's birthday on 25th Jan. When I look at all these photos, can't help feeling how fat I am now. Am eating too much every night when I sleep late. Really need to change some of my habits...

As for Mum's birthday, we celebrated without the extension family because of the 5 pax rule in restaurants. Honest, I really enjoy the siblings times together. Look at how beautiful mum and Dad are smiling. Dad is getting really slow now and can't almost can't hear us. Need to shout at him before he can hear. But he can really eat well and generally still healthy and happy. I wonder if I'll be like him in future as I always see myself having much similarities with Dad.

Hopefully one day when Felin and I are old, the boys will celebrate birthdays with both of us with their families. Nowadays seeing so many young people prefer not to have fixed relationships and children anymore. Hopefully, they won't be like that in future. Lol...

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