Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, November 18, 2019

Legoland Tour

Time flies and its nearly 3 months I last posted.

We visited Thomas Town & Legoland on 20th - 21st October before the actual school holiday starts. I just want to say that the boys really enjoyed themselves and we had a good bonding with them. They are still pretty easily satisfied and companionship between the 2 do helps to keep them occupied and remain curious despite being with the same games. Maybe the fact that both of them have minimum contact with ipads and TVs do helps to open up their observation of the surrounding the love to talk to people.

Joshua is always so cool while taking pictures and Josiah is always the smiley one. 

The compound is not very big with about 5-6 rides but its enough to keep the boys occupied from 10:30am all the way till 4:30pm with a half an hour lunch break. There wasn't any crowd that we can play the rides again and again without queue.

When they are tired, the just head to the beanbag and watch Thomas Train show on TV.

The boys are simply crazy about bubbles. Joshua is the first to jump out when a bubble appeared when I didn't even notice a single bubble at first. 

They loved the hotel as they can watch cartoons the whole night without our control in this trip and they played the Legoland Hotel Puzzle to open the treasure box with me. 

The playgrounds outside Legoland is able to keep them occupied for nearly an hour before we had our dinner. 

Our family bonding time in the morning as we build Lego castles together after breakfast.

Photo taking before we head to Legoland for more fun. 

My boys are really jokers who are willing to act with me. 

My little explorer who is ready to study the map to lead up somewhere. 

They enjoyed this house riding thingy as I cheered continuously for them.

My little Joshua is still looking at map while Josiah starts observing all things around him. 

He loves the colourful Zebra and other animals here. 

Josiah had a hard time learning driving here. He simply lacks confidence and wanting to give up. Felt that he is so much like myself and a good reflection for myself when I always seemingly give up while trying something new.

Overall, had a good trip and all of us really enjoyed a lot. Josiah is now 17.3kg and Joshua 14.5kg.

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