Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, November 18, 2019

Legoland Tour

Time flies and its nearly 3 months I last posted.

We visited Thomas Town & Legoland on 20th - 21st October before the actual school holiday starts. I just want to say that the boys really enjoyed themselves and we had a good bonding with them. They are still pretty easily satisfied and companionship between the 2 do helps to keep them occupied and remain curious despite being with the same games. Maybe the fact that both of them have minimum contact with ipads and TVs do helps to open up their observation of the surrounding the love to talk to people.

Joshua is always so cool while taking pictures and Josiah is always the smiley one. 

The compound is not very big with about 5-6 rides but its enough to keep the boys occupied from 10:30am all the way till 4:30pm with a half an hour lunch break. There wasn't any crowd that we can play the rides again and again without queue.

When they are tired, the just head to the beanbag and watch Thomas Train show on TV.

The boys are simply crazy about bubbles. Joshua is the first to jump out when a bubble appeared when I didn't even notice a single bubble at first. 

They loved the hotel as they can watch cartoons the whole night without our control in this trip and they played the Legoland Hotel Puzzle to open the treasure box with me. 

The playgrounds outside Legoland is able to keep them occupied for nearly an hour before we had our dinner. 

Our family bonding time in the morning as we build Lego castles together after breakfast.

Photo taking before we head to Legoland for more fun. 

My boys are really jokers who are willing to act with me. 

My little explorer who is ready to study the map to lead up somewhere. 

They enjoyed this house riding thingy as I cheered continuously for them.

My little Joshua is still looking at map while Josiah starts observing all things around him. 

He loves the colourful Zebra and other animals here. 

Josiah had a hard time learning driving here. He simply lacks confidence and wanting to give up. Felt that he is so much like myself and a good reflection for myself when I always seemingly give up while trying something new.

Overall, had a good trip and all of us really enjoyed a lot. Josiah is now 17.3kg and Joshua 14.5kg.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hectic Weekend

We had a busy weekend as we attended first Riverlife Conference with 138 cells attended and Children have their own program.

We also attended Ah Ma's 96th years old birthday celebration over the weekend as I try to take as many picture with her as possible. We never know when will be the last birthday we are going to attend with her.

On Sunday, I had to bring the kids out so that Felin can have some peaceful time to do her work. I brought them to Tampines Hub for dinner, to do some homework and watch free movie.

Joshua really brought trouble to me on Sunday.

When I brought them to the Tampines Hub big screen, the movies seems to be a normal movie until it seems like some monster thingy coming out from the movie. I got them out of the place because I afraid they can't sleep at night and tell Felin that I brought them to see such movie. They refused to go and I explained that Mummy will scold if both of you can't sleep at night.

When Joshua reached home, he told Felin that Daddy says Mummy will scold us because of the scary movie. Felin is unhappy with me because she feel that I'm using her as the bad and unreasonable person and not teaching them the right values instead. Haiz !!! This Joshua really create trouble for me.

At Tampines Hub, I get them to write "WE EAT RICE" AND "HAPPY ANGRY" for nearly 30 minutes with a small sip of milk tea whenever they completed one row of words. But after finishing the whole thing, they can't remember a single thing about the words. Kind of worried of their abilities in catching up in their learning. Somehow feel that they are still behind normal children of their age. Sometimes also felt that I'm not doing enough for them to teach them properly.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Can't stop loving my family

As mentioned so many times, I always wanted to write about the boys and remembering what they did every other day but simply procrastinate everytime until like 2-3 months later. There are so many lovely things that I can write about them daily.

We went to view fireworks on the weekend prior National Day to feel the ambience and yet not too crowded on actual day. We had dinner at Marina Bay Promanade as we enjoyed the fighter jets and fire works, etc...

On actual Day, we went Tampines Hub and enjoyed the many activities there. We met one of the boys Classmate during the kidzania event and I knew she is one of Josiah's favourite girl. Both of them love holding hands and watch out each other in school. I'm secretly thinking, how nice if I have such sweet daughter in law in future when my wife is telling me that I need to teach Josiah not to behave like boyfriend girlfriend type of relationship in school when they are so young.
Well, I think that the most natural self of Josiah, isn't it? Always feel that he is quite like me, opposite sex attracts... Lol...

Joshua is generally more reserved and will focus on his own business, unlike Josiah who is more easily distracted. The below picture is when he asked me to take for him. Very persistent fellow...

Post National Day, we went swimming after testing and buying their new swimming costume which is less cold for them in the pool. Joshua is quite cool while learning and listen to instructions whereas Josiah is the Kan Chiong Spider who will cheong before he finish listening to us. He will pick up eventually but will take longer time. Again, I think he inherits Daddy in this aspect too. We must learn to slow down to learn and not get too kan chiong.

The below picture is when both boys refused to listen to Mummy during nap time and Mummy said need to punish them and not allow them to go for our Cell Group BBQ. I told them that they need to complete the Orange and Lemon Juice assignment and I will ask Mummy to relax her punishment. Such are rare times they will be really focused and complete their assignment.

Oh Ya. Josiah is now 106cm and Joshua 99cm. They are 2-3cm taller in just 2+ months apart. Growing Fast indeed. As for weight, Josiah is now 16.7kg and Joshua 14.4kg. As for myself, I gained so much weight to 65.7kg. OMG!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Quarterly update

I'm decided to put down all things today and pin my updates. Everything always seems important and updating this blog seems to be my last priority nowadays. Sad that my last update was like nearly 3 months ago and so many things had happened.

Some recent events like Dad's birthday, Visit to the Istana on May Day, Mother's Day celebration, Visit to Bukit Timah Hill, Back to V@Summerplace for a night stay, First cycling experience, etc... There was so many exciting things that I'd spent time with the kids.

Having said all these, I'm guilty of not spending enough time with them, especially during the weekdays where I spend more time at work. I wasn't happy with it at all because I felt that I'm simply not productive at work. Felin do help out in the evening but my presence is still necessary to encourage them to read and write more. They seems spending too much time on lego blocks and TV that my parents are watching.

The boys are playful and chatty. Josiah can't stop with his "Whys" and "Hows", etc whereas Joshua still love to whine and can be really stubborn about what he wants. Making them eat a meal is still a chore when they eat so slow and test our patience every time. They have their own idea with the dressing and always refuse to wear certain clothes just before going out.

I'm loving every moment I'm spending with them and will continue update their growth. Josiah is now 104cm and Joshua 96cm. Can't remember their weight but Josiah should be near to 15kg and Joshua perhaps at 13kg. Its tiring carrying Josiah actually.

Visit to Bukit Timah Hill when Mummy went Bangkok with her family in Mid May. I had a great time with them when Mummy is not around.

Went back Malaysia over the weekend in late May just before we passed our V@Summerplace key to the new tenant who will use our place as a AirBnB home from 1st Jun onwards. The R&F mall is also so close to our Apartment.

The boys had their first cycling experience on 5th June during the Hari Raya holiday. They kept paddling backwards initially and gradually cycle quite carefully. Think Joshua have quite good motor skills and pick up slightly faster on this.

This is how the boys sleep every night. Josiah on the bed and Joshua on the floor. I always joke with Josiah that he is the King Prata and not King Josiah. He Roti Prata a lot on the bed and always kick me while sleeping. As for Joshua, he is the sweaty boy who always feel warm at night and will surely pull up his shirt before bed. Josiah had better toliet training at the moment with occasion wet diaper in the morning whereas Joshua still had heavy diaper every morning. All these are despite reducing their water intake all these while prior they sleep. Its still a challenge training Joshua with this.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Overseas Trip with the boys

Its a good bonding time with the boys and my parents during this Perth Trip. I'm writing this on the last day of my trip in the early morning of 21st March. Our flight tonight is 9:15pm. Writing this so that I can focus on my work right after I comes home.

The main objective of this trip is to let them remember that they had travelled to Perth with their Ye Ye and Nai Nai while they are healthy. I also like to let them know that they are really lovely though its not easy to take care of them during this trip either.

I'd enjoyed the trip and I'm sure the boys too...

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Boys down with HFMD

Quick Updates...

The boys are down with high fever last week just below 40 degrees over 2-3 days before rashes appeared on their body and for Josiah also on face and lips.

I happened to be on Reservist last and this week which coincide with Felin's month end account closing. We took turns sponging them. We were dead tired last week.

This week, they no longer had fever but are not able to go school till around next week. Ann is going on home leave today till 28th March and Felin will have no choice but to stay at home because Mum definitely is not able to take care of them and I need to be in camp.

Felin definitely going to have a tough time. I can't imagine myself having to spend the whole day with them for a week when they are not able to get out. Challenging Times...

They are simply the 2 happy and cheeky boys...