Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, February 27, 2017

The 17 days without Domestic Helper

As I am writing this post, I'm waiting for the arrival of my domestic helper back from Philippines who was away from Singapore since 10th February afternoon. We had officially survived the past 17 days without helper. Think we did quite well...

The first 2 days are adaptation period and the boys surprising did not miss Ann a single bit even though Josiah co-share a room with her for more probably the past 18 months. Both boys slept in the same room but it resulted in Felin having almost totally no sleep as she is easily awaken by both boys unlike me who is more resistent to noises.

As Joshua is currently very stickly to Felin, we had decided that I shall sleep in the other room with Josiah. It works better as Josiah moves quite a lot during sleep and I, being the deeper sleeper seems to have a easier time with him.

The first weekdays from 13th to 17th Feb was at the Royal Carribean Cruise. We had a scare initially because Joshua's fever shot up to 38.9C on the night before we travel but dropped to 37.1 just before we left. FIL accidentally damaged the thermometer just before we left for Cruise and we urgently borrowed one from neighbour.

The Days at Cruise wasn't all smooth sailing. Joshua's fever went up on the evening on the first day onboard and the thermometer that we borrowed from neighbour shown 41.2C that made us panicky that we decided to call for the doctor onboard. My suspect that the thermometer wasn't accurate is true as he measured only 38.8C when we went down to the medical centre.

Joshua remained cranky from Day 1 onwards and we have problems with both of them onboard in the sense that they refuse to eat and yet refuse to let us eat as they kept wanting attention or to be down from the baby chair to run. They can't drink their milk well without the rice powder which they are so used to over the past years. They also are not keen with the shows onboard and resulting us having to skip them. Yet we need to keep to the nap and bedtime which resulted that we have little time for ourselves. As Joshua was sick, we also have to ensure he receive more rest and usual.

If without the support from my parents and inlaws, I will think this trip is there to kill us. No rest and lots of stress only. I hope life will be better in our next trip in future. Nevertheless, its a good experience and we still have some good time with the family.

The following week after cruise aren't easy as well. I returned home early to help with the housework. I realised that there are so much clothes to wash and fold daily. I also need to wash so many dishes, bottles, etc... I also need to sweep / mop the floow and make the beds every morning. There are also much work to be done to prepare the kids to school before sending them over.

Sales do got a bit of hit during the past 2 weeks when my time management skills did not improve. My personal assistant also chose to quit her job at this time which means my time spent in office are generally administrative and servicing work and not so much of sales and business.

But in contrary, I think my relationship with the boys got better with more time spent with them over the past 17 days. I slept with them, played with them in the evening and morning and I managed to prayed and read my bedtime stories. I do feel good for in this area though Sales was somehow affected. They are certainly not easy kids and pretty active. Joshua is super sticky to mother and kept whining for smallest problem and Josiah still have problem with biting and scratching classmates in school. We sometimes do lose our patience.

Okay. I ended my post at 1:57am on 27th Feb and my helper have still not called us though her flight landed at 1:06am. Hope she boarded the plane and is alright.

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