Time flies and I didn't realise that I missed writing on this blog for more than 2 weeks. So many things seems to happen and I can't really remember the details after few days. Lets have an update.
14th May marks the 14th year Felin and I started dating. I still think this is the best thing that happened to me when she said "Yes" to be my girlfriend. She is a very intelligent lady who managed to make me feel intelligent myself though I'm sure she smarter than me. In my younger days, I would never dare to think that I'll have a pretty girlfriend who are not without suitors. She chose me 14 years ago and I still remembered the joy today. We had lunch at the Stadium and went for a massage at Marine Parade that day...
We took a selfie with the Kallang River as backdrop and the Tanjung Rhu area. Both of us were thinking if we can ever afford a house there. We love the environment. May this be our dream home.
On the 16th May, Felin went for a business trip over 5 days and I came home earlier everyday over the week and slept with Joshua during this period. Joshua usually wakes up in the middle of the night and luckily he did not cry when he couldn't find mummy. Daddy is okay too. lol... I survived that 5 days. Phew...
Firefly finally sent the photos to me for the shoot at MacRitchie Reservoir last month and i'm quite satisfied with the quality of the pictures considered that I only paid $99 for the outdoor package. They took about 200+ photos for us with 50 edit ones sent to us.
Joshua's speech is getting better. He can say Mama, YeYe, Amen, Bao Bei, etc... He can imitate quite a few of our speech already. Josiah is a bid behind but we know that he is learning quietly behind us.
My Glenn Doman cards aren't working on them. I couldn't grab their attention well and they always run away whenever I flashed the cards. I was thinking how heartache I will be if I am to send them for the Shichida class and they just don't want to focus at all. Each class cost $200 for both of them and a term of 10 weeks will cost $2,000.
The intensity of toy fighting gets heavier nowadays with both their weapon which are their teeth. They really bite and it is quite painful if we got bitten by them. They like to throw their toys and run round the house the whole day long. They shout for attention and cry loud when they can't get what they want. I really need to instill some discipline in the family soon. Can't be the good man all day long now...
Hello Adrian. I haven't 'seen"you for many years and very happy to chance upon your new parenthood blog (I used to read your old one). And very happy to see you're now a daddy to 2 boys! May God continue to bless you richly!