Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Joshua Standing with minimum support

I noticed that Joshua is able to stand with minimum support last weekend on 6th December 2015. He held on my legs to stand. He then released his hand briefly and stood skakingly for about 2 to 3 seconds before sitting down again. That short 2 to 3 seconds of standing is without support and hence I will considered him as ability to stand.

Another interesting thing to mention is the recent playtime between Joshua and Josiah. Both of them were eyeing the Giraffe toy and tried to grab from each other. Joshua lost the grabbing game and he became unhappy and went aside to do other things. Josiah sensed that Joshua wasn't happy and went near him to pass the Giraffe to Joshua but Joshua wasn't happy and pushed the toy away from Josiah as if trying to say, "Don't disturb me!" seemingly angry with Josiah. The scene was described by Felin and I find it pretty cute and I somehow think Josiah is so sweet to give in to his younger brother. He set a good example as an elder.

We are still facing problem with Josiah's feeding and he refuses to eat most of the time. I posted on facebook to rant about it and tons of feedback came in to help. All from experienced mothers. Really appreciates their advices and support.

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