Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Friday, October 23, 2015

Babies 9th month polyclinic checkup

The babies were schedule for their 9th month regular check-up today. Josiah's height and weight are constant in the 25th Percentile line for both height and weight whereas for Joshua, his height is about 20th Percentile and weight about 30th Percentile. No wonder I felt that they looks quite small when compared to other babies I see. Went back Malaysia last weekend and saw babies bigger than them and yet younger than them by about 2-3 months. Must try harder to feed them so that they can grow taller and heavier...

As for the hearing test, both babies do not seem to be responsive to the sound of the machine and they kept looking to the front when the machine are sounding behind them. Joshua are slightly more responsive but I actually don't know whether its because he knows someone was behind him and he just wanted to look back or its because he really heard the sound. As for Josiah, he nearly failed the test because he simply are not bothered by the sound and just look to his front the whole time. We nearly have to arrange another appointment to see Specialist already until he suddenly seems to respond slightly to the sound and he passed. Lucky lor. But hope they are okay and they just are not responding to the sound as there are so many other sound in the Polyclinic... The checkup are all free anyway. Quite good ya...

As for other updates... Joshua have been sleeping on my bed lately and I have to sleep on the floor. Now I value my time sleeping with Felin as its so difficult that both of us have quiet time together. I am still feeding them at about 12:30am to 1am daily so that they can last till about 6am. They are drinking about 180ml during the day each feed and my midnight feed generally is about 130ml to 140ml. On daily basis, they are drinking about 900ml to 1litre now. They ate cereal in the morning and a serving of porridge and fruit in the afternoon and evening respectively now.

Okay. Update till here and let see another of their adorable picture... Taken in Malsysia while we have breakfast with Mother In Law before coming back Singapore on Monday...

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