Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, April 6, 2015

First time to Church and to Shopping Centre

Felin and I achieved a milestone today.Its our first time bringing the babies to Church and to shop.

Its Easter today and 2nd service starts at 1pm instead of the usual 11:30am. 1pm is a very nice timing where the babies would have their shower and they usually do not sleep during this timing. We hence decided to bring them for service.

We reached the church early and thank God that we found a parking lot in the church building. Today, we worshipped outside the worship centre together with a few parents with babies like us. We worried that our babies will cry inside the worship centre. We had a good session and Pastor Tony came blessed our babies and gave me advice that I should speak good unto my babies and not negativities to them. He reiterate that my role as a Father is a very important one.

Many Church members including my Cell members came to meet us outside the worship centres and played with the babies after service. They claimed that Josiah said "Hello" to them. I was amazed to hear that indeed. Joshua and Josiah are pretty chatty nowadays and kept "ee ee" "aa aa" or "oooo..." whenever we talked to them. They are getting quite fun at this 2.5 months stage.

We went back home, fed them, try coaxing them to bed with little success and Felin trying to express that last 10ml of milk with much effort while I carry the babies around until we were actually quite exhausted and I nearly fell asleep while rocking Josiah. We were undecisive whether to go Tampines Kiddy Palace to buy clothes for the babies.

We finally decided at 6:20pm to leave the house and drove straight to Tampines Mall. We quickly purchased whatever we need at Kiddy Palace and its time for the babies to drink. We crawled our way through the thick crowd to Tampines Mall MacDonalds and found a place to feed babies. As for myself, I walked quickly to Tampines One to buy our Favourite Sushi at Sushi express for Dinner Takeaway. When I was back at MacDonalds, Felin told me she needed to change diapers for Josiah.
I requested that we go home to change instead and she agreed. We were like racing against time just to bring the babies out. We were out just slightly over 2 hours.

When we were back, we scrambled to feed, latched, change diapers and coax the baby again until we managed to have dinner at 10pm. They seems to be quite hyper after a day out.

What a tiring day but we were happy that we achieved bringing the babies out today.

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