Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Friday, December 19, 2014

34th Week Scan and Dialect name revealed

I have been busy sending my year-end greeting cards and calenders to my clients as well as juggling my daily work in office lately and had little time for other things such as exercising and updating my blog. My twice weekly gym schedule had reduced to one or sometimes none and my diet is back to less healthy. I'm starting to have rice and sugary stuff at night again. I have little time to get fit and energized for the babies and yet I'm giving all sort of excuses lately. Not too happy about it.

Felin and I went for our 34th week growth scan and I'm not particularly happy with the result. Their weight had dropped from previously >50% percentile to the present 16th Percentile for Josiah at 2.12kg and 29th Percentile for Joshua at 2.25kg. Josiah Femur is particularly short at 3rd percentile and Joshua at 33rd percentile. Their abdominal circumference had also dropped to 18th percentile. The only thing big is their head just like Daddy....

Dr Biswal told us that this is okay and I shouldn't be looking too much into the percentile because the weight is actually good and as long as they stay inside with no discomfort to the mother, they will just be fine. Anyway, he arranged for another scan on the 36th week which should be the final scan before the actual delivery to ensure everything will be fine. Hope the babies will continue to absorb all the good nutrients from the mother and grow well in it.

I sent a request to the Singapore Hokkien Huay Guan to seek help in pronouncing my babies names and they are very helpful and came back within a week.
阙予恒 - Khiat Woo Hing
阙予正 - Khiat Woo Chin
I told Felin about the names and she wasn't happy with them because they sound funny to her and difficult to pronounce. I insisted upon these names because I want their names to be as precise as possible to the actual Hokkien pronunciation and not any dialect name. I also do not want to use the Han Yu Pin Yin names to my "Khiat". It is to ensure the Hokkien roots are maintained in their names with the proper pronunciation.
Its another day before we reach our 35th week and it will be a milestone because as long as they are born after 35 weeks and weight above 2kg, they will not be needed to go ICU. Its tough on Felin at this stage because the babies are kicking harder and her legs are now swollen probably due to water retention lately. Its just another 13 days to go before 2015 and 23 days before their arrival. Woo Hoo...

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