Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Friday, September 25, 2015

Daddy's Birthday

This September seems to pass really slow but there seemed so many things had happened. Me went Moscow, the hazy and feverish season, etc... The babies are also growing so fast at this stage that I do not know what to write. Both babies are starting to crawl with Josiah doing the leopard crawl style and Joshua doing the buttock up style. I saw how the babies changed from their lying position to the sitting position on the bed which make it more dangerous for them to sleep on my bed.
They are so much more aware when I called their name and they know that they shouldn't make too much noise when its in the middle of the night. Both of them are still teething with Joshua 3 teeth and Josiah 6. More will be popping out soon. They are drinking lesser and lesser but solid food are not getting any faster. Their growth in term of height and weight is a concern to both me and Felin as we worry they are not getting enough food to grow taller and heavier.
Joshua is still surprising us that he knows to "Mmm Mmm" to signal us that he is pooing and yesterday when I passed my recorder to him, Joshua knows that its for blowing and he blew sound out from the recorder. As for Josiah, he is still so cheerful and playful and look at his relaxing position below. He seems to be the type who knows how to enjoy. Haha...

This year birthday for me is a very special one for me as its both my birthday using the Lunar or the English Calender. Its my first Birthday as a Daddy and for this year, I really wanted to celebrate with my parents around as its the day they brought me to this world. Felin and I went celebrate yesterday as its a public holiday. We had lunch at Wooloomooloo as I love steaks and heard about good reviews from them. I then went Toa Payoh to tailor-make my shirts and sign up a message package costing $199 for 10 sessions. Thereafter, we went Orchard Takashimaya to buy wok. A pretty satisfying birthday this year as I achieved the objectives.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The fever season with Joshua visit to KKH A&E

From the last post, I wrote about Felin's Fever (Tues) and today's post is still about Fever because the bout of Fevers in our home is still not over yet. Shortly after Felin recovered(Thurs), Josiah started to get a bit feverish but maintained at below 38C. Then on the next day (Fri), Joshua got it despite trying to separate both babies. His temperature maintained below 38C as well. On Saturday, both their temperatures shot up between 38C to 39C and on Sunday Joshua's shoot up at a point above 39.7C. We took a lot of effort to sponge him and feed him paracetemol regularly but he kept vomiting his milk almost the whole of Sunday. We eventually decided to bring him to KKH A&E.

We reached KKH at 9:30pm and there seems to be a lot of similar feverish children just like Joshua by looking at the cooling pads on their foreheads. The doctors arranged for a blood test and we waited for about 1.5hrs for result and then was told he need to do urine test but his last feed was like so long ago and where got urine for him and we have to force him drink water which he refused as he was already very sleepy and ill. We managed to get the urine at about 1am. Then we have to wait if there are any reaction to the medicine given. When all are well, we have to wait at the pharmacy and eventually we reached home about 2+am. I am really very tired and glad I can still drive straight on the road.

Joshua was pacified to sleep at 3+am but he suddenly woke up at 4:30am and kept shouting non stop. I never see him like this before and his crying does not cease no matter how we pacify him. We tried feed him, rock him, talk, sing, change diaper, sponge him, bring out all the toys, etc... and nothing can stop his crying. Felin said that he could be traumatised by his A&E experience where the doctors did things like squeezing blood from his little finger for more than a minute, checking his ears by forcing the device into his ears and forcing him to open his mouth with a stick, putting the plastic over his genital to collect urine sample, etc... He managed to sleep at about near to 6am when he got so tired with the crying. Felin and I nearly dropped dead that early morning (Mon). I drove Felin to work after 3 hours of sleep and me to office.

In office, I was down with fever myself and I was feeling extremely tired. I was cold and my eyes were so heavy that I felt uncomfortable simply by looking to the left or right. I also felt drowsy and experienced very bad aching neck and shoulder. I don't have a thermometer with me but I reckoned my temperature was above 39C. I forced my day through the office nevertheless as there was so much work to do and reached home around 8pm. I popped a few more panadols and slept in my study room till the next morning.

Josiah had a rather similar crazy cry at 2am(Tues) when his temperature shot up above 39C. Felin and Ann took turns to sponge him till 5am and Ann did not sleep thereafter. As for myself, I woke up briefly to see them and fell back to sleep till 8am. I felt fresh but careful on spreading any possible virus to the babies. After my mother reached, I quickly drove Felin to work as she was late.

As for now, Josiah Fever has subsided below 38C but hope he will get well soon and as for Joshua, he still vomit his milk and he cannot drink much at one go. Probably at most 90ml for 1 single feed and hence need to feed him every nearly 2 hours to fulfil what he needs for the day. Very tiring to the caregiver actually.

Life is tough especially when babies are sick and work is piling up in office. I'm back to my night feeing schedule today again. Hope they will be well soon...I cannot complain because wife and even my helper's rest times are lesser than me. Woman are really amazing creatures.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mummy high fever and possibly end of breast feeding journey

Felin was down with high fever today. She went to work in the morning thinking that it could be just lack of sleep. But she was wrong as her body really broke down and fever went up to a peak of 40.3C in the evening. She went home early and was shivering on the MRT. I came back home early to help out with the babies and to bring her to see doctor.
She was so sick that she skipped her expressing in the office and came straight home to sleep. Her BM supply dropped tremendously and she did not feel any engorgement despite not expressing for the whole day. Previously, her schedule had dropped to only 1-2 times of expressing a day and now totally nil. I told her not to be too concerned about the breast milk as we had long met our 6 months target. She had done well to provide the babies with breast milk till their 8m3d.

As she was sick and not able to touch the babies, I have to handle Joshua while Ann handles Josiah at night. Joshua refused to sleep and played with me for an hour plus till 10:30pm. He kept wanting me to carry him but I still succeeded in making him sleep with instructions from Felin. Felin will be on 2 days MC and hope she will recover soon. I think she will be ceasing expressing from this day onwards as her last expressing was more than 24 hours ago already.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Busy week after returning from Moscow

The 5 days in Moscow was interesting as we celebrated Moscow 868th Birthday at a major street party during one of the day. I didn't really sleep a lot during this trip probably because I seldom been able to sleep on the plane and I am used to having lesser sleep since babies arrival. Not the type of Refreshing trip I hope it to be.

Felin surprised me by bringing the babies to the Airport in the early morning to fetch me home. But the babies don't seems very excited to see me as if they had forgotten who I am. : (

Its back to business right after I touched down Singapore and I went back to work after a short nap at home. This busy-ness continued till 11th September which is our Election Day. I went voting and 2 appointments before rushing back to Malaysia for Father-in-law's birthday celebration. Anyway PAP had a landslide victory in this SG50 year.

When we were back in Malaysia, its always good time to catch up with the babies developments. Josiah 3th teeth at the top is already out and Joshua is still having only the bottom 1 tooth. Joshua knows how to reject being carried especially if he knows who is going to play with him and who is not. Josiah still love laughing over the smallest antics we performed for him and is very fun loving. Joshua seems to like singing more as he seems to hum some sound whenever we start singing. Both of them are able to sit on baby chair very well now but like to bang table and to grab things near to them. So many so many things to update but always forgot who I wanted to say.

I nearly forgotten that they are 8m2d now. I was still telling others that they are 7.5months old. Time flies. One thing I'm not too happy is that they don't have much space at home to move about. I would hope to put a 8 piece panel with a mat in the Living room but my Living room looks simply too small after putting 2 big Sarong Rack and the rooms looks small as well with 2 baby cots and 2 sets of babies items such as the whole stack of diapers that we purchased from Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I will miss you babies

Its my first time not seeing the babies for more than a day. I somehow miss them and wonder if they will miss me too. Will they wonder where Daddy is over the next few days?

I'm going Russia for a short company convention and be back on 7th September. Mother in law will be coming over during my absence to help Felin.

Quite funny that they stayed still while sitting in my small luggage. Josiah have been very jovial lately and laugh at the smallest tickle. Joshua is more "Cool" and smile lesser lately. They are surely getting noisy but fun to play with too.

Daddy will miss both of you and Mummy. See you all next week!!! Luv you all. Muak!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Half successful Church Going Day

Last Sunday was our first time going to Church without the helper around. The result wasn't too desirable. Before going for service, we did not manage to feed the babies well as they simply don't want to drink. We hence left for church, with them only half fed.
We managed to sit through the worship but when it comes to the sermon part, they seems to get cranky. We got out of the worship centre and stayed outside but they made so much noise again that we kept to walk around. Tried feeding but wasn't too successful again. We ended up going to the Cradle Roll to play with the babies. We did not attend the sermon but at least completed the worship and let the kids have fellowship time with other babies. haha...

The babies were really tired and slept straight away upon reaching home. When they finally woke up, Felin and I decided to go Suntec for the Baby fair. We signed up 2 photography sessions for them each cost about $99 each. One indoor shoot by the Korea Baby and Junior Photo Studio and the other is a outdoor shoot We shall go for the indoor shoot first and will reserve the outdoor shoot till then they reach about 1 years old. I will get Mum and Dad to join during the outdoor shoot by then.

Its the first time that Joshua sleep on the baby carrier

We spent nearly 3 hours out of home and Josiah did not seems to suspect anything. He was still as happy when he saw us when we opened the door. He was smiling so sweetly and so eager to play with us. He will alway tilt his head to look for us and when he saw us laughing, he will be so happy and do the head tilting for us to see again.

Handling them on the bed are also really getting difficult as they are now faster and yet still clumsy. They will easily knock on each other's head or on the toys. They will flip rather quickly too that they can easily fall over the bed if not careful. We are really concern if Mum is able to handle the babies when they get more active. Its will get very tiring for them.