Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Singapore Covid-19 Circuit Breaker starts today for 1 month

It was nearly 3 months I last posted my update. If not for this partial shutdown in Singapore, I might not have time to write.

Covid-19 was pretty unheard of and I shrugged it off as another Influenza or round of Bird Flu. Never did I expect that it will become a pandemic that affect millions and ten of thousands died globally. We even have to reach a stage of that we need to be partially locked down with schools and most offices closed. We are not allowed to dine in restaurants and public areas like pools, gyms, playgrounds are closed.

My investments and sales are badly hit and somehow affecting my mood negatively at home. Feeling stressed with the monthly monetary commitments but life goes on and I will take this chance to sharpen my knowledge and systems while spending long quality time with the kids. I really hope covid-19 will ends soon and I can go meet my clients once again.

For now,  I am trying to develop new home based study system for the boys while building their character just like how our DPM Heng Swee Kit announced on our $60bil Covid Budget: Unity, Resilience and Solidarity. Their life are simply too good that they seems to lose their patience and resilience in their learning process. Always feel that they give up too easily and lost their ability to delay gratification.

It is going to be our full month with the boys. Everyday going to be a weekend but the difference is that our choice of places to go outdoor is extremely limited with everywhere closed. I am going to endure on their constant whining, fighting and behavioral issues. It will surely be a challenge to pack their time while we have to juggle with our work at the same time. They are actually a distraction and they constantly fight for attention from us every few minutes. I managed to buy some books, crafts and online material before the circuit breaker begins to occupy them while we work. Felin and I had agreed some some rotation of duties while we work.

They boys are now 5 years 3 months. Josiah is 111cm and 18.2kg while Joshua is 102cm and 15.5kg. Josiah is really heavy and my daily 2am wake up call for him to pee are getting more difficult as I need to carry him while he struggles and resist to go toilet. He can get a bit rough and show signs of violence when he can't get what he wants. A lot of discipline is needed on him and the problem is that he seems not to remember what he is being punished for in many occasions. He hates losing and avoid being challenged.

As for Joshua, he now ask many profound questions and able to think quite deep. He is still generally quieter outside and very conscious on how others look at him. He will avoid things that he feel he won't do well like Mathematics and Chinese. He is strong with language though. He also does not like to wait but slightly more patient than Josiah.

I will have a lot more time with Felin and the boys over this period as I will not go office that often. We will go for more nature walks with them this month. I'm Stressed, yes with reduced income, high expenses and investment losses, but I'm going to take it as if I'm going for a 1 month holiday and forget about all the monetary stuffs. Just remember that whatever wealth I gained are given by God and temporary. I am only a steward of the money he gives me in this life. Also learning to count our blessings that all of us are healthy and we have food on the table everyday.

I will be setting certain targets to achieve on work and family this month. New life starts today and I hope to update how I survived through the month and the results I achieved by the end of the circuit breaker. Wish me good luck...