Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, November 28, 2016

Time not enough

Time just flew that I missed writing for the last 2 months again. I stopped playing my Pokemon Go and Boom Beach at an above average level a few weeks ago. It was a very difficult decision as I love playing these games and am such high level. I decided that I have to stop all these things that are taking away my time at work, in family and with God. This is an example that I must set for my boys. It is necessary for me to demostrate what is important and what is not and show them with my real action. They are too young to understand this but this post will serve as a future lesson that I want to tell them.

There are so many things to update over the past weeks. I always wanted to write it down but failed miserably. There are always things that seems more urgent to do but when I did not pen it down, I ended up forgetting what I wanted to say the very next moment.

The boys are very active at this stage. They fight almost all the time and I'm somehow worried if they will be good brothers in future. Its tiring to care for them because we always have to monitor their behaviours and to stop in time if they fight. Eg, they can jump up the bay window and throw all the toys to the floor at one moment and next moment climb up the sofa or bed and start jumping around which we afraid they may fall and injured themselves. When they are playing, they will snatch for the same toy and start fighting using the toys or even biting each other.
Sometimes when I'm out, I always see toddlers able to sit quietly on the chair playing their own toys or even reading but for my boys, it seems a bit difficult. I felt a bit envious but my parents always say, "

Their appetite improved over the last few weeks. Joshua was down with some virus last month and his appetite dropped very badly that his weight goes below 10kg again. Josiah is defnitely heavier and he is taller too. We are trying to feed Joshua more but he seems to be the more picky eater.

Joshua is getting noiser and like to imitate what we talk. Its quite irritating when he repeat over what we say when we are scolding him. When we asked him a question, he will repeat the question as if nothing goes into him. He also talk quite a lot when he sleeps and he can even sing now.

Josiah is still the cheerful boy who can laugh over anything but he seems to be the type who wants to finish something fast. This is shown on how he eat and drink milk. He did it so fast and will be happy to drop the milk bottle and start doing his things again. Joshua prefer to take his time and drink slowly instead. When playing, he is very insistent whenever he wants something but he will fight over it if he fails to get it. We really have a problem whenever we go church as he did scratch and bite other children when it comes to play with other kids. This is another big headache.

Now they also like to spit saliva and I assume that its part of their growing process as they just learned a new skill. Felin and I are so irritated that we have to scold them and put them in high chair whenever they do it. We feel that its really rude and we have to teach them fast. Too bad that Felin and I are not home all the time to teach them and we depended a fair bit on my parents and helper which they are not strict enough on their misbehaviors. When we are around, they tends to be more careful on what they do.

Overall, we are surely loving our time with them and I value my weekend a lot. Its time consuming playing with them and I bascially can't do much of my own work during weekends. After pacifying them to bed, we are already dead tired. Its a bitter sweet feeling which I think only parents will know.