Twice the Joy

Twice the Joy

Monday, July 25, 2016

Slow and Steady Growth

Weekends are the most enjoyable part of the week. Felin and I are able to spend quality time with the boys which I sensed that they enjoy our presence and companionship. We will always have a nice Breakfast and walk around the park or shopping centre and go for class at Genius League in the evening. In between, while they sleep, we will just rest or do our work.

They are able to react quite well when we talk or read to them. Joshua is pretty noisy at time and keep making funny sounds which are not longer as simple as Bababa or mamama. The baby language had upgraded to sounds like Ah Buloo... Yoloyolo...., etc... He is now able to sit independently at the car seat without another Adult around with him. But he will cry when the sun shine on him in the car. As he woke up earlier, I will sometimes take him along as I drive Felin to MRT station in the morning. I will bring him to the park for a short 5-10 minutes walk thereafter. I will try bringing Josiah the next time. Hope he can be as independent as well.

Biting is still a problem and they can bite each other without much warning. Their teeth are really sharp. A simple bite can really leave the mark on their hands. Josiah is still not eating much and we always have to think of creative ways to feed him. He is a more picky eater and have a preference towards sweet things. Josiah always offer us his sweetest smile and never fails to melt our hearts.

There are still so much more to explore about them and they are really getting fun to play with passing day...


The boys who will ask for my morning Yakult which I will ask for kisses before giving them one or two sips.

Our usual morning breakfast. This one is at Downtown East Coffee Bean.

The common sight whenever I returned home from work early. The milk before their sleep.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The joys and woes

I went through the flashcards as usual with the boys this morning and when I took out the Apple Card, Joshua suddenly says "Ap-ple". I was so excited and shouted for mum and told her that he can say a 2 syllabus word. I asked him again and he repeated "Ap-ple". I asked him to say Banana next and he repeated "nana". He can't say other 2 syllabus words yet but I'm nevertheless excited.

They are now at the age where its pretty difficult to control. When they like to get something, they can really insist for it and cry excessively. Joshua now likes to go toliet bowl to play with the water in the bowl. I kept telling him that its for peeing for pooing but he will still go to the toliet when we are not aware to play with the water. As for Josiah, I was shocked yesterday when he threw his pacificer downstairs and have a tendency of picking up things in the living room and throwing things down. Both of them also like to climb on chairs or tables or going to the study room to touch the fan, etc... All these are making the caregivers a very hard time as we have to be attentive to them every single moment. Its really very tiring. All thanks for Mum and my helper so that we can go out to work in peace.

Felin and I signed the boys up for the classes under Genius League Academy at a cost of approximately $50 each for every 70 minutes session. We signed for a term of 12 lessons after attending their free trial lesson. The class will be held every Saturday 5:40pm which means I'll have to bring them to Novena area for class every week for the next 12 weeks.

During the trial, they went through a series of exercises, including the possibility of opening up their right brain to see things we normally can't see. The pace of the class is rather fast and I'm quite skeptical about the ESP part. I was told that they are already much slower already compared to other schools such as Heguru and Shichida. The boys are not that bad in term of focusing for this first lesson and hope they are able to continue this for the next 12 lessons. Hopefully what we spent is able to help them learn something useful and we as parents can also learn how to teach them better. The objective is for them to enjoy and to improve their ability to focus in a classroom setting.

We spent an hour plus at NTUC Fairprice Xtra at Changi Biz Park for grocery shopping during the weekend. I as usual went through all the fruits and items in the supermarket as I pushed them along on the trolley. They enjoyed the ride on the trolley and everyone walking pass me will look at this Daddy who kept talking non stop to the boys as if they are in a childcare centre.

As for sleep, they refused to let me pat them to sleep nowaday. They will cry for mummy or my helper during bedtime. As a result, I am now able to sleep on the bed as Felin sleep on the floor now. Maybe I should thanks for boys for choosing Mummy. Lol... Anyway I hope they are able to sleep independently without crying whenever they wake up in the middle of the night soon or better still if they can simply sleep through the night consistently. So that Felin and I can have the bed together again.